Chinese Lion Bone Trade
The Lion bone trade in Asia is a very serious and looming threat to wild lions. In today's asian culture elephant ivory and rhino horns are not enough for making traditional Chinese medicines anymore. These medicines have no proven benefits and are killing the wildlife. Tigers are critically endangered because of the Asian demand for their bones and body parts which are hard to come by now. As a result, the Chinese are now after lions and will now pay up to $15,000 for a single lion skeleton. There is no difference between tiger and lion bone. However, in asian culture it is believed that captive or raised lions are not as powerful as wild ones. Lions are not on any CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) list, so they have no protection under this treaty from the sale of their body parts. Lions need the protection to stop the sale of their body parts to the Asians or they will face the same fate as rhinos.
In collaboration with Professor Mary Ting we are working to educate and stop the Lion bone trade.
Mary Ting presentation series "Chinese Modern History and teh a visual oriented historical, cultural and personal presentation that examines the complex issue of the Chinese market for endangered species products and the quest for power, status, and immortality. From elephant ivory to elephant skin, rhino horn, shark fin, pangolin scales, tiger and lion parts, sea cucumber and rosewood – the list of desired luxury items is long and growing as species dwindle and “new traditional” products appear. In order to get behind the how-and-why this came to be, it is necessary to look at history.